Non-Human Lip-Sync Sign Up

Sign up to perform at Leaky Heaven’s inaugural Non-Human Lip-Sync!

$500 Cash Prize

October 19, 2023 at The Russian Hall

8 pm

*no songs permitted

Questions, concerns, or to register – fill the form below or email us at



4 + 7 =


be a vacuum, be a car, be a slide guitar, be the creak of a door, be the buzz of a phone, be the whirr of a drone, be the grrr of a bear, be a missile, be a gun, be a whole weatherbomb, be the sea, be a wave, be a gale force wind, be a light breeze, be a bee, be a blender, be the crunch of a fender in a shitty rear-ender, be fusion, be fission, be a coke bottle rocket, be a chicken on the block, be a pig in a poke, be a frog in a pot, be a pot on the stove, be a stove in a fire, be a fire in your pants, be your pants in the wash, be the wash on the line, be a line in the sand, be the sand in the storm, be the storm on the sea, be the sea on the shore, be the shore washed away…