
  • To produce and present contemporary performance, installation, media, sound and cinema projects that are innovative, inclusive and celebratory.
  • To create opportunities and support for Indigenous, BIPOC and Queer artists.
  • To create and support cultural production that draws on the distinctive nature and history of the region and its diverse cultures.
  • To bring challenging questions of human impact on ecosystems and colonial impact on social relations into experimental artistic process
  • To join with other like-minded artists and community members to produce events that are accessible and welcoming to a wide audience.
  • To create opportunities and events that may contribute to the development of Research Creation and critical community dialogue.
  • To enter into partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations at local, national and international levels.
  • To interrogate the environmental impact and context of the work.

Mission Statement: Leaky Heaven seeks to create and disseminate works that explore the complex relationships between perception and performance, observation and participation.

We seek to create interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborations between artists and non-artists with a focus on a “dramaturgy of the real” oscillating between the historical artifice of theatre and representation and the rupture of the artifice through installation, intervention, site-specificity, documentary and live technologies.